Monday, November 2, 2009

Killing Time

With the late/night shift expexting to pick up at work this week, trying to transition from a conventional workday to a... Less conventional one looks like it's going to take it's toll on me. Oddly enough, it's about as difficult to reverse one's sleeping and eating patterns as you might think. I'll get there, though.

I splurged on some things over the weekend - some DVDs, a model, and a book. Simple little things, but I sometimes forget to stop and do something a little frivolous instead of being focused on trying to poke as many $$$ as possible into the savings account. *Grin* Now I know what the wife feels like when she comes home with a treasure from the Antique Mall or the Second Hand store. When I was single I did this sort of thing too often, now that I'm married, I worry about it happening far too much. I will find the happy medium in there somewhere, you know?

I'm more proud of my wife today than I can find words for. As she's starting her first full day of observation at the Middle School, it suddenly feels like she's very close to completing - (a goal is the right word, but it has felt more like a journey) - a step in her education and earning her Master's Degree in education. It's such a wonderful achievement under any circumstances, but I look at how much she's grown throughout these expeeriences and...

I'm just a lucky guy.

I spent a bit of time last night assemling much of my writing into a 'collected works'. It was notably thrown together, and I'm sure the errors will be plentiful, but... I wanted to have it bound and hold it in my hands, you know? Perfection isn't what I was after... I've been playing with it for a long time. I just wanted to see what I had done. I'll look forward to seeing it come from the Print On Demand service, but... Don't tell my wife, or she'll want the copy I ordered for her. *Grin*

Well... Somehow, I need to find a way to get some more shut-eye before work.

Be Well.

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