Thursday, February 18, 2010


Employee review time comes around annually at work. I always take the process seriously, but this year, it sparked a more personal evaluation of myself than the company ever intended. I don't feel like that's a bad thing - but I do, for the firrst time, feel like the process has followed itself through, and is truly complete.

I see what changes I need to make in my actions and attitude, and implementation is nothing more than an act of willpower. In other words - I'm back.

It has been nice to live the past month or so and pretty much do as I please with my time. Don't get me wrong, I still try to do my chores and meet my obligations, but I've also built models, watched too much T.V. and surfed the internet too long. Perhaps it has been a working vacation - but it has felt a bit like being on holiday.

Speaking of which, I'm off to La Crosse, Wisconsin for several days next week to attend an Organic Farming Conference. I know it sounds a bit odd for a chemical applicator, but there are several reasons for deciding to attend. *Grin* I have to admit, I'm even a tiny bit nervous about what I'll find, which is odd, but it's a new frontier for me both professionally and personally. It should be an interesting time.

Home? I want to say something about home. For a visit, for whatever... I find myself wanting to be there for a while. Can't say as that's always been the case.

Peace and Love,


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